Welcome to Health and Wellness!
I would like to invite you and your friends to join us on an enjoyable journey to better health and wellness. Since 1984, Better Health Tai Chi Chuan has been teaching tai chi in the St George area. Many people have enjoyed our classes and made wonderful friends.
We offer several classes for people with differing abilities and needs. Please contact us for more information. Dr Lam and his friends look forward to welcoming ‘old’ and new friends. Over 500 medical studies have shown that tai chi relieves stress, improves balance and reduces falls. It also boosts immunity and lowers blood pressure, strengthens muscles, improves flexibility and fitness. What is more! Tai chi makes you feel better about yourself!
Dr Lam’s Tai Chi for Health programs are proven by medical studies to relieve arthritis pain, improve diabetes control, reduces fall, improve many aspects of health and quality of life.
Tai Chi Classes
We offer classes in Sydney and Canberra. Please Click here for more information.
Better Health Tai Chi Chuan is a Non-profit Organisation Founded by Dr Paul Lam since 1984. We are dedicated to empower people to improve health and wellness. You can expect to find friendly and experienced instructors, to meet friends, and to enjoy tai chi!
Tai Chi for Everyone
Contact Us
Contact person: Fiona Black
Email: fiona.black.taichi@gmail.com
or service@taichiproductions.com
Ph: 02 9533 6511

Tai Chi is an art and an exercise from ancient China. Today, most people practice Tai Chi because of its near-magical health and relaxation benefits.

I would like to invite you and your friends to join us on an enjoyable journey to health and wellness. Since 1984, Better Health Tai Chi Chuan has been teaching tai chi in the St George area.

“Welcome to Better Health Tai Chi Chuan, which is not only the name of the school but a promise…”
Dr Janet Cromb
Latest News
Join us for enjoyable tai chi!
Learn authentic tai chi that is proven to improve health,
from Dr Lam and his accredited instructors.
New Classes 2025
Tuesdays 6.45 pm
Enquiries: call 9533 6511 or contact us
by email service@taichiproductions.com
Classes 2025
Phone: 9533 6511 email: service@taichiproductions.com
Our classes are held at: St George Girls High School (Gymnasium) Victoria Street, Kogarah,
NSW 2217 (Entrance via Harrow Road), Kogarah
At 7:00 pm
- Tai Chi for Beginners and Yang 24 Forms
- Tai Chi for Arthritis
- Yang 40 Forms
- Depth of Sun 73 Forms
At 8:00 pm
- Combined 42 Forms
- Depth of Chen 36 Forms
Come and join Dr Lam and his friends to enjoy more relaxation, better health and wellness.
You can enrol any Tuesday 6.45pm. The class will commence at 7pm and run for one hour,
anyone can join our class. One fee will entitle you to both classes.
Instructional DVDs and Online Tai Chi Lesson by Dr Paul Lam
You can buy Dr Lam’s step by step instructional DVDs, or subscribe to his Online Classes – the next best thing to attending class. They are also very useful to help learning and progression in tai chi. For more information contact us or phone 02 95336511.